WALL UND GRABEN - A Literature Compedium
There is now a great deal of literature on the borders of the Roman Empire which is digitally published and an online search reveals an abundance of helpful results. But first you have to find the information. Since 2017, Dr. Wolfgang Schaub has taken on the arduous task of collecting all the freely available information, sorting it thematically and geographically, and having it reprinted in a multi-volume work. The resulting book series "Wall und Graben", was gifted free of charge to the office of the German Limes Commission at the end of 2023 so that it can be made permanently accessible for all interested parties.
If you are interested in viewing the compendium of literature, please contact us to arrange an appointment for your visit to our office.
Dr. Suzana Matesic
Geschäftsstelle der Deutschen Limeskommission
Römerkastell Saalburg
Am Römerkastell 1
61350 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe